Brandon perea gay
Brandon perea gay

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The little subplot of her trying to poison him and then he is deathly allergic to tomatoes was terrible. So much time being spent in those elaborate but silly cages accomplishing nothing really derailed the story. I can see why many respected critics are bashing it. This show wants to be great and intelligent so badly but it really just isn't. "YOU JUST DON'T GET IT, MAAAAN" by Anonymous Like something they wrote at 3am at Canter's high out of their minds. And, I really hope that Prairie really did make up all this shit just as a coping mechanism for a more conventional kidnapping, because if not, the narrative is filled with giant, inexplicable holes. The interpretive dance alone is just so ridiculous. Lord, what a bunch of pseudo-intellectual, pseudo-spiritual hooey. They seem more beholden to this ridiculous mythology than they do to real character development, remotely believable dramatic tension or even narrative coherency. I think there was a good - perhaps a coherent - show in there somewhere, but they lost the plot less than half way through. That and their willingness to try something new and, yes, bold. I think those elements kept me watching despite my misgivings. I'm leaning toward hate - even though I can, somewhat objectively, appreciate some of the good, if not great, performances and the sometimes very good production design. This seems to be a love-it-or-hate-it show with most people. SPOILERS IN MY POST IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED ALL 8 EPS. It's bizarre to me that it's receiving universal praise here. Alan Sepinwall despised it and absolutely tore into the finale, along with several other print and online publications. Several reviewers REALLY hated this show. I watched the entire season and did find it interesting in places, but that finale, no. I mean, really? Yes, it was shot in a shocking way, but using one of THE most horrible things that happens virtually every month now as the motivation for a Netflix binge show light on intellectual content was shockingly cynical and grotesque to me, not to mention completely unearned dramatically in any way shape or form. I'm surprised that no one, not one person here, was even the tiniest bit offended by the finale of the school shooting, which had no lead in whatsoever, the shooter's face was never shown, the shooter had never been introduced, and the shooting was used as a random plot point so they could finally do their interpretive dance.

Brandon perea gay